Innesti - The World We Knew

I’ve recently made the choice to no longer use Spotify as my work soundtrack. They don’t have a great track record of paying artists fairly and while their rates seem to have improved since the writing of that linked article, I will probably always feel better about giving artists more money for their album directly. One thing I really value is supporting people for their work and art is work!

Starting on the first of September I switched over to Bandcamp, a pretty top notch platform for supporting artists directly and paying them more fairly for their music. I’ll be writing a little blog entry for each album I add to my work playlist so that I can share all of the wonderful stuff I find.

The first album I bought was The World We Knew by Innesti. I don’t have a clear view of what kinds of music I want to offer but I’ve always been a fan of a mellow soundscape and this really fits that description. Part of my preview/review process is going through a first listen or two while I’m working or doing some yoga/meditation at home. This was beautiful, unobtrusive and had an airy quality that left me feeling relaxed but not in a sleepy way.

Ethereal, minimal ambient soundscapes created with field recordings, organic synthesis, quiet conversations, and stories from our past.

Written and produced by Innesti.
Mastered at Ambient Mountain House by James Bernard.

Designed for headphones.

released August 20, 2023